



可口可乐公司声明其所有的行为在伦理上是健全的,具有最高的道德标准。这很少是事实,当一个人研究各种违规案件提出的公司。道德形象是通过重复地沉溺于道德实践,服从社会责任和回馈社会而建立起来的。通过故意参与不道德的行为和违反相关法律的抗议和诉讼,可口可乐继续失去了几十年来建立其全球形象的努力。例如,可口可乐在印度泰米尔纳德邦屡次违反用水规定,导致该邦缺水,遭到了100万名商人的抵制。这是因为生产1升碳酸饮料需要400升水(Doshi, 2017年)。这严重违背了一个人的道德和社会责任。这一再损害了公司的形象。不久之后,它可能只会继续被限制在它可以继续其侵犯行为而没有任何干预迹象的地区。在另一项违规行为中,该公司在生产过程中违反了密歇根州《清洁空气法》的27项条款。它已经解决了案件和罚款(buckley, 2014)。



Impact of the practice on the ethical reputation of Coca cola

Coca Cola has only maintained its global image through creative and emotional advertising. Without being able to advertise and showcase its brand as something that follows ethics without compromise, Coca Cola would never have been able to reach the place it is today. However, ethical responsibility is rising among consumers. With some part of media being transparent enough to disclose the deadly practices of multinationals, it is becoming increasingly difficult to continue unethical practices in the open.


Coca Cola states that all its practices have been ethically sound and of the highest morals. This is seldom the truth when one researches the various cases of violations filed against the company. Ethical image is built by repetitively indulging in ethical practices, obeying ones social responsibilities and giving back to the community. By deliberately getting involved in protests and lawsuits for unethical practices and violating relevant legislations, Coca Cola continues to lose its decades of work on building its global image. For example, for its repeated violation of water usage in Tamil Nadu state in India, Coca Cola has been boycotted by a million traders for generating water scarcity in the state. This comes because it uses 400 litres of water to manufacture only 1 litre of the fizzy drink (Doshi, 2017). This is a grave violation of one’s moral and social responsibility. This has dented the company’s image on a repetitive basis. Sooner it may only remain confined to areas where it can continue its violations without any signs of intervention. In another violation, the company breached 27 conditions of the Clean Air Act in Michigan while manufacturing. It has settled the case and the fine imposed (Bouckley, 2014).

These are the impacts of continuous unethical practices by Coca cola. It may be welcomed nowhere if it continues with such practices or such unhealthy products.