21 4 月, 2018



从思想的演变来看,很明显这项技术已被用于解决人类的需求。大约400年前,霍布斯等人开始描述推理和思想的本质。在这段时间里,象征性操作的思想被认为是优先的。第一个通用引擎,Babbage的分析引擎是早期计算设备开发的先驱行动。在此之后,开发了几种计算模型。其中包括由Alan Turing开发的“图灵机”,由教会推出的Lambda计算器。然后是写公式和计算的形式(Bond&Gasser,2014)。

这些被称为教会 – 图灵论文。随后,第一台计算机和超级计算机的一代开始在主流社区中占据优势。第一台电脑在20世纪80年代初开始商业化使用。这些被发现可以增加商业活动并导致更容易完成任务(Kerr&Szelke,2016)。这个过程的准确性更高。每一代计算机都有特定的优势,他们使用特定的工具进行开发。基于所使用的工具和技术,计算机的产生已经预计为五代。


From the evolution of thought, it is evident that the technology has been used to address the needs of human. Around 400 years ago, people such as Hobbes started to describe the nature of reasoning and thought. The idea of symbolic operations stated to gain precedence during this time. The first general purpose engine, the analytical engine by Babbage was the pioneering action from which early computing devices were developed. Subsequent to this, there were several models of computation that were developed. These include the “Turing Machine” developed by Alan Turing, Lambda calculators by Church. Then came the formalisms of writing formulas and calculations (Bond & Gasser, 2014 ).

These are known as the Church-Turing thesis. Subsequently, the first computer and super computer generations started to gain precedence in the main stream communities. The first computers were used commercially from the early 1980s onwards. These were found to increase the commerce and lead to easier completion of tasks (Kerr & Szelke, 2016). There was greater accuracy in the process. Each generation of computers had specific advantages and they used specific tools for development. Based on the tools and techniques used, the generation of computers has been expected to be of five generations.


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