30 1 月, 2022



新华社是中国的官方新闻机构,它表示,计划中的城市需要有100个模范城市和1万个模范城镇。东滩等一些城市原本打算在崇明岛上安置50万人。这是在上海附近发现的。然而,由于腐败和混乱等挑战,这一数字被取消了。生态城市的意识形态对不同的利益相关者有不同的意义。这在实现中造成了混乱。另一方面,也有一些成功的案例研究,如新加坡的天骏。“天军”是城市运营的成功实验之一。天军生态城由新加坡政府开发。为了制定可行的计划,中国政府必须解决新加坡在珠江三角洲地区和长江附近的问题。2000年初,天津市是一个非耕地盐碱地的混合体。它被认为不适合居住。然而,2000名居民已经搬到了这个试验区。这5000套公寓已售出,该城市计划在该地区容纳35万名居民。生态城东滩在规划方面存在一些问题,因为负担能力较强(Hu et al., 2016)。尽管如此,天津还是克服了等级制度的问题,并取得了积极的进展。这座城市的建筑遵循严格的能源效率标准。这些公司正试图通过开发商的绿色建筑标准认证来推进。技术的不断完善,为改造工程的实施提供了有益的、经济的依据。在风力涡轮机中,它有许多排列着太阳能光伏灯的大道。然而,电网和风能之间的连接是一个问题(Gerber, 2010)。这些等级制度问题阻碍了人们对城市的实施。生态城市面临可再生能源的挑战。此外,可行性取决于财政资源和人力资源的可用性。在当前的形势下,人民需要维持生计。金钱和等级制度方面的问题阻碍了东滩案的进展。与此类似,许多生态城市也面临着基于事件主观性质的挑战。这些国家所面临的一些普遍问题已被记录在下面。

农场和农村地区想要变成城市。很明显,放弃农村正在成为主流。城市人口占世界人口的75%。越来越多的人想要移居到工业化国家,想要生活在发达的城镇。这是为了确保城市的城市化(Lee, Hancock and Hu, 2014)。这些被用来代表人类生态的转变(Roche, 2014)。在这个图式中,来自经济或人口现象的人被用来表示城市化进程。此外,这也被用来设计一种新的方法来评估城市的生态作用,以估计影响的规模。这对该地区的许多城市来说是不可能的(Rapoport, 2014)。显然,当地的居民、政治和社会意识形态在可持续性方面发挥了重要作用。

Fifty years before, the food shortages used to be in Chinese cities. The China’s young socialist regime decided to model a few farm villages as the role models of the nation. The example of high crop yields was used as deducible targets for the company . In the current times, the challenges facing the city have changed. The runaway urbanization increase in the energy consumption degradation of the environment has caused the city to establish different kinds of paragons. The cities in China have to address the increasing residents (Haughton, 1997). A strong rural and urban divide has been observed in the nation.

Xinhua is China’s official news agency, and it has stated that the plans in the cities are needed to have 100 model cities and 10,000 model towns. Some of the cities such as Dongtan were to house 500,000 people on Chongming Island. This was found to be near Shanghai. However, this was dropped due to challenges such as corruption and confusion. The ideology of an eco city has different meanings to the different stakeholders. This caused confusion in the implementation. On the other hand, there are successful case studies of cities operating in areas such as Tianjun in Singapore. The Tianjun is one of the successful experimentations for a city to operate. The eco-city Tianjun was developed by the government of Singapore. The Chinese government has to address the government of Singapore in the Pearl River Delta regions and near the Yangtze River for the creation of a plan that would be feasible. In early 2000, the city Tianjin was a blend of the nonarable saline and mixture of alkaline land. It was assumed to be uninhabitable. However, the 2,000 residents have moved into this pilot district. These 5,000 apartments are sold and the city plans to house some 350,000 residents in the area. The eco city Dongtan had issues in planning because of the affordability (Hu et al., 2016). Nevertheless, the city of Tianjin was able to overcome the hierarchy issues and there has been positive updated. The building in the city is follows the energy-efficiency standards that are stringent. These are trying to move forward with the developer’s certification for the construction of the green building standards. The perfecting of the technologies is used to be useful and cost effective for the retrofitting projects. In the wind turbines, it has many avenues lined with solar photovoltaic lights. However, the connection between the grid and wind power is an issue (Gerber, 2010). These kinds of hierarchy issues have prevented the people from implementation of the city. The eco-city faces the challenges of renewable energy resources. Added to this, feasibility is dependent on the availability of financial resources and human resources. The people need to sustain in the current dynamics. The aspects of money and hierarchy are impeding the case of Dongtan. Similar to this, many of the eco-cities are facing challenges based on the subjective nature of the events. Some of the general issues that are faced in the nations have been documented in the following.

Farms and rural areas want to convert into cities. It is evident that abandonment of countryside is becoming predominated. The urban world has 75% of the world population. More and more people want to move into the industrialized countries and want to live in developed towns. This is to ensure that there is urbanization in the cities (Lee, Hancock and Hu, 2014). These are used to represent the human ecological transformation (Roche, 2014). In this schema, the people from the economic or demographic phenomenon are used to denote the urbanization process. Moreover, this is used to devise a novel approach for the assessment of the ecological role in the cities to estimate the scale of the impact. This has not been possible for many of the cities in the areas (Rapoport, 2014). It is evident that the inhabitants, political and social ideologies of the place play an important role in the sustainability.


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