




In China, there was a notable Qin Dynasty that became very powerful due to its warfare techniques. This dynasty controlled China only for 2 decades. However, they were able to channel the development of China. The Qin was able to unify China which was in incredible undertaking that relied on warfare. For example, in 215 B.C.E, one of Qin’s most successful generals, Meng Tian, was sent to defeat the Xiongnu. The subsequent events lead to the formation of the Great Wall. This led to the formation of newer centralized and unified nation. This centralization was a key part of the warfare strategy during this time and has lasting impacts. Consequences of centralization were that it created the perception of being a unified nation. The implications of these centralizations are debated. Without this centralization, China would be considered as a series of small countries or states, but instead it is perceived by the world as one massive and unified country. Warfare was important to the centralization strategy of the Qin Dynasty. Without warfare, it would have been impossible to see the Qin conquering the neighboring states and form a single unified nation.

The centralization of China impacted technology and society in a big way. Prior to unification, there were multiple states within the area now known as China, many of these had their own cultures, languages, writing systems and governments. While there was diversity among these different regions or states, it was difficult for them to communicate. Qin Dynasty applied pressure for the homogenization of the cultures. The people were coerced to become a part of a single China. The consequences of homogenization of the state can be a heavily debated topic. However, with this unification, there was the coercion of following a standard language, writing and measurement system. These newer systems enabled Qin Dynasty to turn China into a seemingly powerful military nation. The aim of the Qin Dynasty was to have easier transportation and road access. This was to move within the state quickly and address the transgressors of the Qin dynasty. However, this transport development enabled other developmental projects as well. The improved transportation invariably led to the shared cultural ideals, better roads and also focussed on the trade within the unified nation. The victor of the warfare necessary for the unified state of China was the Qin emperor and the resulting Qin Dynasty, while the defeated were those that were conquered by the Qin. Those that were conquered were a continual threat to the Qin and the emperor would go on trips to ensure that his subjects were abiding by the new systems. This action by the Qin Emperor created the persona that China was a strong military nation..

Qin Dynasty was mismanaged and succession was not successful, so the dynasty did not last long. However, it was warfare and resulting unification clearly played a role in the way China has come to be as a nation. The Qin Dynasty may have failed to a lack of warfare, people revolted, and the government was not able to regain control of the society. These successful revolts along with the fall of Qin Dynasty show how important it is for a government to hold its power and continually work to improve its nation.
