3 5 月, 2022



项目的成功是一个观点的问题。“A matter of opinion”是一个短语,用来指非常主观的事情,取决于观点。两个人的想法是不同的,因此当某件事被称为意见问题时,它意味着所讨论的观点是有争议的,可以讨论的。这可能是一个有待商榷的问题,也可能取决于当时的情境。

研究者Van Wyngaard, Pretorius & Pretorius(2012)认为项目约束有助于构建项目的成功。当一个项目与外部客户或内部客户一起进行时,重点是满足客户或组织的特定定义需求。在进行和处理项目时,可能会有一些相互冲突的决策。这些被定义为项目的约束。在项目中工作的人们的焦点趋向于管理这些约束,而不是忽视它们。忽视约束会对项目的完成产生不利影响,因此被认为是不利于项目成功的(cook – davies, 2002;康明斯,2004)。如果约束没有得到很好的管理,或者即使项目达到了卓越的标准,它仍然不能被认为是完全的成功。

三重约束作为项目管理中影响项目成功的重要因素,已被许多研究者所重视。事实上,三重管理是一个基本的构建模块,用于框架、监测和控制项目的不同阶段(Cicmil等人,2006;阿特金森,1999)。关于构成三重约束的因素,文献中有一个普遍的共识。它们是项目范围、时间和成本(Baker et al., 2003)。与参与项目的员工相关的工作过程的第三个元素也被定义,这将在涉众的视角和讨论下进行。



三角形的最后一个元素是scope。与成本和时间不同,可以认为范围与手头的项目联系更紧密,因为范围决定了将要交付的项目功能。它定义了将要完成的工作,项目质量也取决于范围(Stephen & Rob, 2007)。因此,项目管理的成功依赖于这些约束,在大多数项目中,这些约束被称为项目成功的核心。

Project success is a matter of opinion. “A matter of opinion” is a phrase used to refer to something that is very subjective and depends on perspective. Two people do not think alike and hence when something is referred to as a matter of opinion, it means that the view in question is debatable and open for discussion. It could be a moot point, or it could be dependent on the context at hand.

Researchers Van Wyngaard, Pretorius & Pretorius (2012) argue that project constraints help frame the success of the project. When a project is undertaken either with an external client or internal client, the focus is on meeting certain defined needs of the client or the organization. There could be some conflicting decision making when undertaking and working on the project. These are defined as the constraints on the project. The focus of the people working on the project tends towards managing these constraints and not neglecting them. Neglecting the constraints has detrimental effect on the completion of the project and hence it is considered to be adverse to project success (Cooke-Davies, 2002; Cummins, 2004). If constraints are not managed well or even if the project meets the standard of excellence, it could still not be considered a complete success.

The triple constraint has been argued by many researchers as a significant element in project management which affects the success of project. The triple management is, in fact, a basic building block for framing, monitoring and controlling project through its different phases (Cicmil et al., 2006; Atkinson, 1999). A general agreement exists in literature on what constitutes the triple constraints. They are project scope, time and cost (Baker et al., 2003). A third element of work process as pertaining to employees involved in the project is also defined and this comes under the perspective and discussion of stakeholder.

The project time affects the success of the project because projects usually are completed with specific scheduling constraint. Durations are usually defined at the time of project inception. Project success can sometimes be defined more based on time, especially if the development is to meet a critical need. For instance, a project to print out human hearts would be considered successful as long as it is in time to save lives. Here, cost and other elements would not be significant. The same matter of opinion or perspective of success could be considered across other elements such as cost of project and scope.

Project cost is the second element in the constraint triangle. Where the project constrained by time has to stick to a determined schedule, in the case of the cost constrained project, the element of constraint is the financial one. Scheduling and release of expenditures through project phases play an important role and in end budgeting, the amount that has been spent towards project completion determines the success of the project.

The final element of the triangle is scope. Unlike cost and time, it could be argued that scope is more connected to the project at hand, as scope determined the project features that would be delivered. It defines the work that is going to be done and project quality would depend on scope as well (Stephen & Rob, 2007). The success of project management hence depends on these constraints which are called as the kernel of project success in majority projects.


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