

由于房地产市场的霸主地位,城市更新也受到了挑战。由于香港部分地区的基础设施落后,以及其他一些以可持续发展为重点的新发展计划,两者之间存在严重的利益冲突。新界和九龙是本港人口最稠密的两个地区。为了容纳人口,较新的城镇被集中开发,然而,由于更多低收入人口位于该部门,人们发现,住房存量是用不合格的元素建造的,加速了环境退化(Deng et al., 2016)。改造和更换是城市更新计划的一部分,但没有考虑到可持续性发展举措。另一方面,“政府”是用于改善房地产的项目。房地产改善项目EIP是政府倡议的一部分,旨在将可持续性纳入住房。例如,葵盛西地产就是由政府开发的。这里实施了一个与可持续性相关的房地产改善计划。政府力求创造具有高质量公共开放空间的公共空间。规划绿化,住宅街区也规划在同一空间。




Urban regeneration is also challenged because of the hegemonic real estate market. There is a serious conflict of interest as lagging infrastructure is present at some parts of HK and in others newer developments with focus on sustainability is planned. The New territories and Kowloon were two of the highly populate sectors in HK. Newer towns were developed centrally in order to accommodate the population, however with more low-income population located in this sector, it was identified that the housing stock was constructed with substandard elements that accelerate environmental degradation (Deng et al., 2016). Retrofitting and replacement which are a part of the urban regeneration program have been done without much thought the sustainability development initiatives. On the other hand, the government programs for estate improvement. Estate improvement programs EIP are part of the government initiative to incorporate sustainability in housing. The Kwai Shing West estate for instance was developed by the Government. An estate improvement program linked with sustainability was implemented here. The government sought to create public spaces with quality communal open space. Greening was planned, and domestic blocks were also planned in the same space.

A difference is observed here in how government programs with respect to sustainable housing units and other development projects for low income people are conducted. For low income people, only basic construction to help them live in their current houses was offered. Sustainable homes are luxury homes, “Diatomaceous earth paint (also known as D.E. paint, the powder of siliceous sedimentary rock) used on all interiors is more expensive than regular low-VOC paint (about HK$150 per square metre, versus HK$50), but is environmentally favourable because it can absorb moisture and help filter the indoor air” .

The real estate market being controlled by a selective few has resulted in a conflict of interest. Personal interest and public interest conflicts are observed here. An example is presented in the below picture where a proposal was made to open landfills in Tseung Kwan O. People protested against this as they feel that it will diminish the quality of life for them. In the case of the second story, the government wanted to make the Tai Long Sai Wan as a country park. However, here the public feel they were not being compensated properly. They claim that this could create economic problems for the people. A continuing conflict of personal interest and the public in the context of sustainability is exacerbated by the fact that the government has more power. This form of sustainability in the sustainability framework could be called as weak sustainability.

The ‘North East New Territories Development Plan’ is a new controversial plan. It puts forth a plan to demolish villages in Kwu Tung North and Fanling North. Government claims that housing needs are on the rise and hence they have to develop projects in newer areas. However, the housing will be achieved at a cost of displacing around 8,400 people. They will lose their livelihood as well. The real estate hegemony property developers are the only ones who gain by this and not the people, specifically not the ones who are going to be displaced and will be pushed into deeper poverty.
