

“当人们根据你的肤色对你进行假设时,这是很累人的,”23岁的跨学科研究(Eligon, 2015)的黑人大四学生Symone Lenoir说。在这种情况下,种族是基于学生的肤色形象,这对非白人学生来说是一种羞辱。Chang说,在2015-16学年期间,总共有近100所大学和学院收到了学生为种族平等示威的要求清单。这表明学生们非常渴望在校园享有平等的地位。不同肤色、不同种族的学生享有获得相同利益的同等权利。但是黑人学生在很多方面都受到不同形式的不公平待遇。例如,大学的教育成果并不总是平等的。埃利贡解释说,大约83%的黑人大一新生会在大二返校,将近88%的白人和94%的亚洲人会。黑人学生的毕业率在所有种族中最低,不到55%,而白人学生的毕业率为71% (Eligon, 2015)。不平等往往是冲突的导火索。当有色人种学生感到不平等的待遇时,他们会感到被孤立,对周围的人保持警惕。这是校园种族紧张关系无法消除的一个重要原因。这也是美国社会难以消除的问题。


此外,刻板印象威胁是种族冲突不可缺少的一部分。刻板印象是一种被广泛持有的,但固定和过分简化的形象或想法的特定类型的人或事物(Chang, 2016,第37页)。正如Haidt所解释的那样,如果一所学校承诺将黑人学生的数量增加一倍,它就必须从黑人申请者中深入挖掘,录取那些资历较低的学生,尤其是在大多数其他学校都在这么做的情况下。这可能会使种族差距扩大,这将加强有色人种学生在入学时可能发现的负面刻板印象(Haidt, J., & Jussim, L.(2016),第4页第8页)。这种想法导致了黑人学生的焦虑。他们更怀疑他们的同学会用有色的眼睛看自己,他们会感受到来自周围优秀的白人同学的压力,怀疑自己的能力。这显示了校园内非白人学生的自卑感,拉大了种族间的差距。

The stereotype is a fixed, over-generalized belief about a particular group or class of people “It can be exhausting when people are making assumptions about you based on your skin color,” said Symone Lenoir, a 23-year-old black senior in interdisciplinary studies (Eligon, 2015). In this case, the race is based on the image of the skin color of the student which is kind of humiliation among the non-white students. According to Chang, in all, during the 2015-16 school years, nearly one hundred universities and colleges would receive lists of demands from students demonstrating for racial equity”(Chang, 2016, page 30). This shows that students are very eager for an equal status on the campus. Students with different skin colors and different races have the same right to acquire same benefits. But black students are subject to different forms of unfair treatment in a lot of aspects. For example, Educational outcomes at the university have not always been equal. Eligon explains while about 83 percent of black freshmen return for their sophomore year, nearly 88 percent of whites and 94 percent of Asians do. And black students have the lowest graduation rate of all races, less than 55 percent, compared with 71 percent for whites (Eligon, 2015). Inequality is often the triggers of conflict. When students of color feel unequal treatment, they will feel that they are isolated and be wary of those around them. This is an important reason why campus racial tensions cannot be eliminated. It is also a problem that American society can hardly remove.

In addition, stereotype threat is an indispensable part of racial conflicts. Stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing (Chang, 2016, page 37). As explained by Haidt, if a school commits to doubling the number of black students, it will have to reach deeper into its pool of black applicants, admit those with weaker qualifications, particularly if most other schools are doing the same thing. This is likely to make racial Gaps larger, which would strengthen the negative stereotypes which students of color could find when they arrive on campus (Haidt, J., & Jussim, L. (2016), page4 of 8). This kind of thinking has caused anxiety to Black students. They are even more skeptical that their classmates will look at themselves with colored eyes, and they would feel the pressure from the excellent white classmates around them and doubt their ability. This shows the inferiority complex among non-white students in the campus and it widens the gap between racial groups.

To sum up, there are three reasons that are listed to illustrate why campus race tensions are difficult to eliminate. The most important thing is to solve racial inequalities and maintain fairness. Understanding the needs of students requires educating students to reject stereotyped thinking. Leadership should take effective measures to reduce racial conflicts and avoid the recurrence of protests. The campus needs to make sure that each student is treated equal and they can communicate nicely.
