25 7 月, 2021




加速有助于挥杆。当上半身,手臂正确对齐,只有当挥拍达到临界点后,下挥拍开始。后摆平面可以帮助球手正确地调整下摆的动作。正如研究表明的那样,“臀部、肩膀、手臂和手的能量将以正确的顺序释放,并产生一个完美的连锁反应”(Maddalozzo, 1987,第9页)。在加速过程中,即使是像松开手腕这样的小元素也会有所帮助。这是因为球杆不受约束,以径向的方式运动,阻力更小,有助于挥杆者用肌肉力量更有力地挥杆。扭转力没有被阻挡,在上升过程中产生的加速度也将保持在下降过程中。

Forces acts on an object and as a result of this force, the object gets pushed or puller. These forces are termed as action and reaction. These forces according to Newton’s third law are equal and opposite. The stretch-flex principle as per the action-reaction mechanics can be understood in the backswing. When the muscles are stretched in the backswing, a reflex contraction occurs giving more force during the forward swing. The contractile force of muscles will have caused better recoil of the elastic tissue in the downswing and hence the golfer will get better coil in upper body. In fact, the farther the person is able to rotate his shoulders away from the golf target, then the farther the gold head will be brought down with force upon the shot. The downswing motion also operates in the same action-reaction law. When the arms move the golf iron, then the hips also follow in the same direction of the swing. This swinging of the hips creates force for the swing. A summation of forces is thus created which helps complete the swing fully.

Acceleration helps in the swing. When the upper body, the arms are properly aligned only then the swing reaches the critical point beyond which the downswing starts. The backswing plane helps the golfer correctly gear the elements of the downswing. As research state, “the energy of the hips, shoulders, arms and hands will be released in the correct order and a perfect chain reaction will result” (Maddalozzo, 1987, p. 9). In the acceleration even small elements like uncocking of the wrists will help. This is because the club will move with less resistance in a radial fashion as it is not restraints, and this will help the golfer drive more powerfully with the muscle power. The twisting force does not get barred and the acceleration created in the upswing will remain in the downswing as well.


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