22 3 月, 2021



快餐公司Testte缺乏有效的营销沟通,因此需要有效的营销计划以及有助于与顾客建立良好关系的营销沟通策略。为了设计一个有效的营销计划,有必要探索公司经营的地方的商业环境。环境分析认识到公司在当前业务情况下的业务潜力(Kaushik和Bhatnagar, 2008)。环境审计提供足够的关于政治和经济对Testte业务影响的知识和信息。对企业的社会影响、所使用的技术的好处等,都认识到在市场竞争中的优势和劣势。它能够采取有效的营销策略,有效的产品,和沟通组合,支持更有希望地开展业务。此外,它有助于提高快餐公司的潜力。公司可以从市场中获得更多的商业前景,随着公司的进一步增长和发展,确保公司的生存。




The fast food company Testte is lacking in effective marketing communication so that it requires an effective marketing plan along with marketing communication strategies that aids in establishing a sound relation with the customers. In order to design an effective marketing plan, it is necessary to explore the business environment of the place where the company is operating its business. The environment analysis recognizes the business potentialities of the company in the present business situations (Kaushik and Bhatnagar, 2008). The environmental audit provides adequate knowledge and information about the political and economic impact on the business of Testte. The social influence on the business, benefits of technology used, etc. recognizes the strengths and weaknesses with the competition in the market. It is enabled of adopting effective marketing strategies, efficient product, and communication mix that support in carrying out the business more promisingly. Besides, it assists in improving the potentiality of the fast food company. The company can get more business prospects from the market and ensure its survival as further growth and development.


The proposed campaigning plan educates the potential customers about the new promotional schemes of the company along with the discounts and special promotional rebates thus increase the awareness of its prospective customers about the company. It boosts the business of the company as well as establishes effective relationship with the customers.

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