9 5 月, 2022




一项在自然灾害后恢复正常的计划将有助于提高游客对目的地的看法。灾难发生后最紧迫的问题是如何让这个地方恢复运转。在克赖斯特彻奇地震中,一些立即采取的行动凸显了这些努力。为未来的旅客提供适当的旅客资料,有助纾缓旅游市场的忧虑。还有一些辅助企业支持旅游业,它们在复苏期间需要帮助。国内营销是为了鼓励国内游客,比如居住在地震灾区的人们的家庭。然而,恢复工作表明,必须以明确的长期恢复计划来应对这种情况(Simmons & Sleeman, 2012)。

一个长期的恢复计划的重点是让目的地回到它的体育轻。恢复计划首先要解决直接游客的需求。直接游客是那些没有发现地震情况降低了他们对目的地的兴趣的人。其次,目的地必须重新充满活力,使其更具吸引力。现在,这只有通过恢复它最初的吸引力和引入新的主题才能实现。第三,长期的基础设施规划和发展支持灾难恢复,旨在减少负面新闻和市场营销的影响(Simmons & Sleeman, 2012)。按照这些步骤,以前对这个地方感到不安全的游客将能够欣赏在这个地方为确保他们的安全和保障所作的努力。

Tourism and hospitality industry in contemporary times is very competitive. Modern cities rely on this form of competition in order to improve their economy. Both domestic and international tourism have to be enhanced for these cities to thrive. Usually, the destination qualities of the place are important for it to have any tourist value (Simmons & Sleeman, 2012). Attractions in the form of natural and manmade constructions, accessibility, amenities and other ancillary services become important in improving the destination attractiveness. In this context, an additional challenge to the tourism industry is the occurrence of natural disasters (Tsai et al., 2016). Natural disasters change the place in ways that the industry can never prepare for. There are no proactive measures to handle natural disasters and more often, the attempts are reactive.

As Zhou (2014) argues, because of natural disasters, terrorism attacks and other epidemics, there is a decline in tourism. This essay takes up the issue of natural disasters to show how it affects destination attractiveness and hence it could be a possible reason for bringing down the value of tourism in such places. The essay argues that while climate induced natural disasters have a negative impact on tourist destinations because of the uncertainty that is introduced, it would be possible for such destinations to reenergize themselves with proper short-term and long-term plans.

A plan to get back on track after a natural disaster will help improve the opinion of visitor about the destination. The immediate problem after a disaster is to get the place up and running. Some of the immediate actions in the case of the Christchurch earthquake highlighted these efforts. Having proper visitor information for prospective tourists helped relieve concerns in the tourism market. There are ancillary businesses that support tourism which needed help during the recovery period. Domestic marketing was done to encourage internal visitors, such as the families of those people living in the earthquake-stricken area. However, the recovery efforts indicated that the situation had to be approached with a definitive long-term recovery plan (Simmons & Sleeman, 2012).

A long-term recovery plan focuses on bringing the destination back to its sport light. The recovery plan first starts with addressing the needs of immediate visitors. Immediate visitors are those who have not found the earthquake situation lessening their interest in the destination. Secondly, the destination has to be reenergized in order to make it more attractive. Now this is possible only by bringing back its original places of attraction and introducing newer themes. Thirdly, disaster recovery is supported by long-term infrastructural planning and development that aims to reduce the impact of negative news and marketing about the place (Simmons & Sleeman, 2012). In following such steps, visitors who previously felt insecure with the place would be able to appreciate the attempts taken in the place to ensure their safety and security.


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