17 9 月, 2021


澳洲代写论文:审计的合法性。审计产生了合法性,并因此以建立清晰的组织惯例、信息中的可见性等形式提供了保证。其他涉及业务的人,如客户,采用这种形式的审计元素作为一种保证。根据Ingrid Jeacle(2017)的研究,在当今时代,审计进入了一个新的领域。正如Power(2003)认为被审计方和被审计方的合法性都是共同产生的,Jeacle(2017)提出了亚马逊作为此类保证条款的一个很好的例子。接下来澳洲代写论文将为同学们讲解下审计的合法性。


为了使控制系统更可审计,就需要量化。像eBay这样的网站的审计实践将采用一种叫做netnography的方法(Kozinets, 1998)。网络地理学是社交媒体研究中的一个新词。它基本上是一种在社交媒体环境下研究定性意义的方法。正常的社会研究模式对研究网络社会模式并不有用,因为网络社会模式更加全球化、丰富和多样化。正如Kozinets(1998)所指出的,在用户生成的内容中找到感知和象征意义是必要的,对于这种网络志来说很重要。在像eBay这样的组织中,这种方法的欺骗性在于,网络志考虑了丰富多样的材料流,不像传统的财务责任,不能仅仅坚持定义的规则和规范。因此,审计中的保证创建有时由每个用户自行决定。在eBay,这种形式的保证创建过程的优点是,用户列出他们诚实的行为和看法。他们对自己发布的内容非常坦率,因此,这些变化可以在很长一段时间内量化,并产生见解。事实上,这一优点可能有助于解决未定义的灵活规则和规范的缺点。

Measurability is an important component of auditability. Measurability improves transparency and accountability. The rating in the form of star ranking, the ranking of reviews and more is increased measurability. For example, user generated content on eBay is increasingly becoming a very strong way for consumers and sellers to interact. By entering ratings, by leaving feedback and by addressing feedback, content is generated for everybody. These comments are not part of the legitimacy process of auditing. They take up the role of providing assurance. In the virtual world, an audit space is created where the mistrusted agents and the auditee are both present, and who interaction is out on the site for everybody to see and thus accountability and measurability is introduced. The popularity of such content, the comments and readings clearly show that people using eBay rely on these comments or reviews to make their own choice of purchase, or simply to be assured enough to want to make a purchase.

To make systems of control more auditable there needs to be quantification. Audit practices with websites like eBay would be with the methodological approach called netnography (Kozinets, 1998). Netnography is a new word in social media research. It is basically a way to study qualitative meaning in social media settings. The normal social research models are not useful to study online social patterns as online social patterns are much more globalized, rich and diverse. As Kozinets (1998) stated it is necessity to find both perceived and symbolic meanings in user generated content and for this Netnography is important. The con of this approach towards assurance creation in such organizations like eBay lays in the fact that netnography considered a rich diverse stream of material and unlike traditional financial accountability cannot just stick to defined rules and norms. The assurance creation in audit is hence left to every user’s own discretion at times. A pro in this form of assurance creation process in eBay is that the user lists out their honest behaviour and perceptions. They are very frank about what they post, and hence, these changes can be quantified over long periods of time and insights can be generated. In fact, this pro could be useful for addressing the con of undefined flexible rules and norms.


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