




As creative director, it is necessary to market the aspects of convenience in banking to consumers. Young clients’ feedback must be clearly shown how the banking system makes their transactions and needs effortless. In fact, in such marketing schemes with young customers, it is necessary to collect feedback as well. When feedback is collected from the youth segment, marketing managers can push such feedback to product management teams in order to develop better banking apps or interfaces to suit the convenience requirement of the customer. Both marketing and product improvement benefits will occur.

Secondly, as creative director, it is necessary to understand the marketing strategy that works well with this group and then promote it. In the case of the millennials, word of mouth marketing is observed to be more successful. Young adults speak to one another. They come to understand products based on each other’s review and experience and they think word of mouth is better than direct marketing efforts. In this context, the banks should attempt to have loyalty programs and customer engagement schemes in order to have better customer retention. The positive experience with existing young customers will cause better word of mouth to spread.

It is thus identified in research that the young millennial consumer segment is one that is characterized by 1) a need for convenience and 2) relating better to a peer than to an independent marketing message. In order to understand these two elements better, some more questions might have to be asked which are: 1) Are millennials worried about convenience factor with respect to accessing banking on the web? 2) How many within a random sample have been influenced by word of mouth marketing? 3) What form of loyalty gains are expected by this consumer segment?
