10 12 月, 2021


澳洲代写论文:阿里巴巴的企业文化。阿里巴巴的企业文化最初是基于中国的核心价值观。最初,公司由18名创始成员发展到约24000名员工。员工管理的文化元素对公司来说是困难的。第一个需要考虑的因素是公司的透明度。阿里巴巴的所有员工一般都可以通过“Aliway”来讨论问题,并协助制定解决方案(Tsui, Zhang and Chen, 2017)。该公司遵循扁平层次结构的模式和原则。这些使公司能够根据公司的业绩带来变化。公司需要考虑的另一个重要因素是企业文化。接下来澳洲代写论文将为同学们分析讨论下阿里巴巴的企业文化。

阿里巴巴的企业文化最初是基于中国的核心价值观。最初,公司由18名创始成员发展到约24000名员工。员工管理的文化元素对公司来说是困难的。第一个需要考虑的因素是公司的透明度。阿里巴巴的所有员工一般都可以通过“Aliway”来讨论问题,并协助制定解决方案(Tsui, Zhang and Chen, 2017)。产品开发团队可以讨论他们所生成的代码。员工可以在公开讨论中花很多时间。员工可以对自己不满意的工作评价提出异议。一些关于员工的评估是基于360个绩效评估系统的原则。空间是严禁的。人们可以选择获得奖励或惩罚拥有虚拟债权人的人(Redman和Wilkinson 2006)。360条原则表明,对公司来说,审查可以是匿名的。这也是允许的(Aggarwal和Thakur, 2013)。公司对员工做的第一件事就是让他们有自己的昵称。高层管理人员都有昵称,他们被要求为自己取一个昵称。人们可以选择确保他们的昵称是可见的。该公司遵循扁平层次结构的模式和原则。这些使公司能够根据公司的业绩带来变化。公司需要考虑的另一个重要因素是企业文化。

阿里巴巴公司以创造家庭价值观和团结而闻名。360评价成功的一个重要方面是,团队成员需要理解这是一种开发工具,用于人们在职业生涯中的成长。提供反馈的过程有助于人们在职业生涯中成长。这个练习不被用作绩效评估工具。然而,实际的含义取决于竞争的公司(Micklethwait和diamond, 2017)。这源于企业文化和员工从公司获得的激励。这是有形和无形因素的结合。公司创造了一种家庭团结的感觉。公司有自己的抵押贷款基金。这就是“iHome”。员工可以为公司申请无息贷款。这种企业文化将有助于促进更容易的变革管理和改善公司的绩效评估。他们被用来接收特定的业务策略和团队有效性的助手(Taylor, 2008)。公司的参与者必须真诚地相信,他们能够帮助实现变革,并成为变革的工具。公司需要证明这一方面,并确保能够实现这一方面。在过去的十年里,阿里巴巴做出了相当大的努力来创造适合本地员工和全球员工的企业文化。


e 18 founding members who formed the company increased to around 24000 employees. The cultural elements of employee management were difficult for the company. The first factor that needs to be considered is the transparency of the company. All of the Alibaba employees in general can discuss about the issues and aide in the derivation of the solutions using “Aliway” (Tsui, Zhang and Chen, 2017). The product development team can discuss about the code that they have generated. The employees can spend a lot in open discussions. Employees are allowed to dispute their unsatisfying work evaluation. Some of the reviews about the employees are generated are based on the tenets of 360 Performance Appraisal systems. Spaces are strictly prohibited. The people can choose to have an award or punish the people with the virtual creditors (Redman and Wilkinson 2006). 360 principles state that the reviews can be anonymous for the company. This is also allowed (Aggarwal and Thakur, 2013). One of the initial things that the company does to the employees is to make them have nicknames to themselves. The people at the top management have nicknames and they are asked to come up with nicknames for them. The people have the option to ensuring that their nicknames are visible. The company follows the schema and principles of flattened hierarchy. These have enabled the company to bring about changes based on the performance of the company. Another important factor that the company needs to consider is the corporate culture.

Alibaba Company is known for creation of family values and unity. The important aspect for the success of the 360 reviews is that the team members need to comprehend this to be a development tool which is used for the growth of the people in their careers. The process of providing feedback aids the people to grow in their careers. The exercise is not used as a performance rating instrument. However, the actual implication depends on the company in contention (Micklethwait and Dimond, 2017). This stems from the corporate culture and the incentives that the employees receive from the company. This is a combination of tangible and intangible factors. The company creates a sense of family unity. There are mass wedding parties that are held and the company has its own mortgage fund. This is called “iHome”. The employees are allowed to apply for interest free loans for the companies. This corporate culture will aide towards fostering easier change management and improvement in the performance review of the company. They are used to receive a particular business strategy and aide towards the team effectiveness (Taylor, 2008). The participants of the company must genuinely believe that they can aid towards change and be an instrument of change. The company needs to prove this aspect and ensure that are able to achieve this aspect. In the past decade, there is considerable effort that has been put forward by Alibaba to create the appropriate corporate culture which would cater towards the local employee and the global employees.

The efforts taken by the company have been credible. This is essayed in their market performance and growth. It is evident that the people have taken appropriate efforts to make sure that there is growth in the companies.


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