28 10 月, 2020









Many theories are proposed to understand the implication of authentic leadership. Many people are aware of the benefits of these systems. However, there are some real-world implications that serve to the triggers of stress. These stressful activities are the job uncertainty, meeting of deadline and the societal pressures. Added to these individuals are also made to ensure the issues of personal issues. These serve as impediments for the people to be effective in their jobs. There is a need for better stress management and these techniques have been discussed in this analysis.

The strength of this research is that it asks the people to look into the nuances of the personal situation and the reality of the issues. There are many advantages when the personal subjective factors are considered. The weakness or the limit of this research is that it tends to be generic. Again, this can be used as a tool of subjective importance. In this research, the benefits are found to overweigh the negative implications. These can be used as an invaluable tool to understand about people.

This research finding can be used to develop innovative authentic leadership that can be applied in the different situation to develop cohesive solutions for the various impediments that people face in the process of implementation. It also instills in the minds of the people the need to practice empathy.


It can be alluded that for authentic leadership there is a need for self-awareness. The people need to be aware of their self. This is an arduous task that requires in-depth personal analysis. Eysenck can be used to understand about the human psychology. The implication of brain chemistry brings to light the different issues that the people encounter. Added to this the people need to understand that there are certain limitation and unique problems that each individual face. Owing to this there must be development of solutions to develop the paradigm of authentic leadership. These were the main findings that were determined in this analysis.

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