17 3 月, 2021



本文的重点是确定服务质量的作用超过消费者的满意度和他们的忠诚度在印度银行部门。通过SERVPERF量表的应用进行了分析。人们注意到,印度的银行部门提供了广泛的产品和服务,因此在该国经济中发挥着重要作用。过去,在开放政策实施之前,公营银行享有垄断地位。自由化之后,随着私有化和全球化的引入,许多私人银行和外国银行被捆绑起来并开始运营。在过去的几年里,这些银行描绘了印度经济的显著增长。因此,由于竞争的市场结构,银行现在需要通过向客户提供技术改进的即时服务来提高其服务质量,这将反过来增加客户的满意度(Elangovan & Sabitha 2011)。本研究提出了使用SERVEQUAL模型的适当性的问题,并对顾客满意度是否可以通过感知价值和期望价值来衡量表示怀疑,因此,本研究使用performance SERVPERF模型。研究的更广泛的目标是检查客户的概况,评估客户的知觉关于SERVPERF量表的五个关键维度。该研究还旨在分析客户的概况以及他们对不同服务质量因素的感知水平,最后,列举服务质量因素对客户满意度的影响(Gopalakrishnan et al. 2011)。研究结果表明,保证有更高的平均SERVPERF分数,银行应该更关注可靠性,因为它有最低的平均分数。


4) Hisam, W. M., Sanyal, S. & Ahmad, M. 2016,“服务质量对客户满意度的影响:在印度选定零售商店的研究”。国际管理与市场研究,第6卷,第1期。4, 45 – 55页

本研究主要展示了SERVQUAL模型的维度,描述了该模型对顾客满意度的影响。这项研究为印度零售业提供了一个清晰的视角,并显示了可支配收入水平的增长是如何改变消费者的购买行为的。本研究强调服务质量是顾客满意程度的基础。根据这项研究,任何顾客评估服务或产品的基础上,他们接受的实际服务水平与他们期望的服务水平比较。当顾客的感知水平与他们从零售商获得的实际服务相匹配时,他们就会对服务质量感到满意(Khan & Fasih 2014)。服务质量可以满足任何顾客,如果可以观察到服务或产品是通过考虑顾客的需要而开发的。要令顾客满意,必须持续改善服务质素。本研究清楚地表明,要产生顾客满意,必须了解顾客的期望,并减少服务质量上的每一个可能的差距。为了收集信息,研究者分析了不同类型的质量模型,并通过SERVQUAL实地调查方法收集了来自客户的反馈。本研究以信实商店为基础。从研究的发现,它已经观察到,大多数客户描述的有形必须改进,可靠性是ok,响应性是有效的,保证是相当有效的,同理心是不合适的。因此,从上面的讨论,可以描述,员工必须进行有效的培训,以便他们可以为客户产生一个有效的服务质量。与此同时,在客户之间建立信任是必须的,这样他们才能感受到积极的价值。这项研究的未来范围是在其他部门进行研究。


This paper is focused on determining the role of service quality over the satisfaction of the consumers and their loyalty in the Indian banking sector. The analysis is performed through the application of SERVPERF scale. It has been observed that the banking sector in India provides a wide range of products and services and thereby plays an important role in the economy of the country. Previously, the public sector banks used to enjoy monopoly before the policy of liberalisation was implemented. After Liberalisation, when Privatisation and Globalisation were introduced numerous private and foreign banks tied up and came into operation. During the past few years, these banks have depicted significant growth in the Indian economy. Therefore because of the competitive market structure, the banks are now required to improve their service quality through providing the customers with technologically improved instant services, this will in turn increase the satisfaction of the customers (Elangovan & Sabitha 2011). The study has raised questions regarding the appropriateness of using SERVEQUAL model and expressed doubt regarding whether customer satisfaction can be measured by the perceived value and expected value, hence, the performance SERVPERF model has been used in this study. The broader objectives of the research are to examine the customer’s profiles, evaluate the customer’s perception regarding the five key dimensions of SERVPERF scale. The study also aims at analysing the customer’s profile as well as their perception level regarding the different service quality factors and finally, to enumerate the effect of service quality factors over customer satisfaction (Gopalakrishnan et al. 2011). The findings of the study depict that assurance has a higher mean SERVPERF score and the bank should focus more on reliability as it has the lowest mean score.


4) Hisam, W. M., Sanyal, S. & Ahmad, M. 2016, ‘The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Study on Selected Retail Stores in India’. International Review of Management and Marketing, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 45-55

This study mainly shows the dimension of the SERVQUAL model and describes the impact of this model on the customer satisfaction. This study provides a clear insight on the Indian retail industry and shows how growing level of disposable income is changing the buying behaviour of the customer. This study highlights that service quality is the thing based on which the satisfaction level of customers depends. According to the study, any customers evaluate the service or products on the basis of comparing the actual level of services they receive with the level of service that they have expected. Customers became satisfied with the service quality when their perceived level matches with the actual services that they have received from the retailer (Khan & Fasih 2014). Service quality can satisfy any customers if it can be observed that services or products are developed by considering the need of the customers. Continuous improvement in service quality is important for providing satisfaction to customers. This study clearly shows the fact that for generating customer satisfaction, it is mandatory to understand the customer’s expectation and mitigate every possible gap in the service quality. For the collection of the information, the researcher has analysed different types of quality models and collected the feedback from the customers with the help of SERVQUAL field survey method. This research is based on the reliance store. From the findings of the research, it has been observed that most of the customers have described that the tangibility must be improved, reliability is ok, responsiveness is effective, assurance is quite effective and empathy is not alright. Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be described that employees must be trained with efficiency so that they can generate an effective service quality for the customers. Along with that, creating trust among customers is mandatory so that they can perceive a positive value. This future scope of the study is conducting the research on other sectors.

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