7 10 月, 2021



这些模块中的大多数都可以消除一些多样性和丰富的因素,实际上可以换取一个更简单稳定的接口。主要论点是,在理解最终用户交互真正需要什么时,人为因素将在系统的成功中发挥关键作用。例如,在卫生保健部门,设计交互系统的问题可能会导致可用性差。因此,糟糕的可用性会使系统难以学习,在一段时间不使用系统后很难回忆起来,或者效率低下。例如,如果药物下拉列表中有太多的选择,或者它们的排列与直觉相反,患者可能会因为“选择列表错误”而被开错药或剂量。虽然这样的操作被归类为“使用错误”,由用户提供的命令触发,但往往是糟糕的系统设计造成了预设错误的危险环境(Brodbecket al., 1993)。由此可以看出,设计中人为因素造成的误差影响一直延伸到最终用户层面。如果不包括针对此类人为错误的恢复系统规划,那么与错误及其影响相关的风险就会增加。例如,卫生保健系统中上述错误的结果可能导致临床医生创建一个错误的顺序。现在,当临床医生不能取消和替换订单时,就会导致错误升级。对终端用户需求的理解不足,导致设计者把系统弄得过于复杂,这反过来又会造成终端用户误用的风险,而终端用户又会因为无法从错误中恢复过来而受到更多的关注。

这里还需要指出的是,在模型的制作过程中有时会使用假设这一事实,会加剧人为因素误解和缺乏背景知识造成的错误。对模型的假设可能不能反映实际的人机交互需求(Soegaard & Dam, 2012)。设计中的系统工作流和最终的工作流可能会不匹配。只有在系统设计过程中与用户丰富的交互才能帮助处理这些错误,但需要注意的是,即使有如此强烈的警惕性,也不可能完全消除人为错误。

Design errors can occur because the user/designer does not have a proper idea of the requirements of the design. Now this is a common IT error and yet is some of the most basic errors that occur in the development of design interaction systems. When the interactive system designers do not have the proper understanding, then they can make assumption in designs or cognitive load aspects based on their improper understanding. This creates a design that does not fit the requirement. As observed in some errors in user designed interfaces, poor understanding and human errors have led to the creation of user interfaces that are diverse and rich but are complex without reason.

Most of these modules could do away with some of the diversity and rich factors and in fact trade in for a simpler stable interface. The main argument is that the human factor in understanding what is really needed for the end user interactions will play a pivotal role in the success of the system. For instance, in the health care sector, design interactive system issues could result in poor usability. Poor usability can thus make a system hard to learn, difficult to recall after a period of not using the system or simply inefficient. If there are too many options in a drop-down drug list, for example, or they are counterintuitively arranged, patients may be prescribed the wrong drug or dose through a “pick list error”. While such an action is classified as a “use error”, triggered by the commands provided by a user, it is poor system design that often creates the hazardous circumstance that predisposes the error (Brodbecket al., 1993). It can hence be identified that the error caused by human factor in design has consequences extending till the end user level. Where recovery system planning from such human errors is not included, and then the risks associated with the error and their impact increase. For instance, a result of the error described above in the health care system could lead to clinicians to create an incorrect order. Now when the clinician is not able to cancel and replace an order, it leads to error escalations. A poor understanding of end user needs has led designer to make the system unnecessarily complex, which in turn creates risks of misuse by the end user, who is then put into more concerns because he/she cannot recover from the error.

It is also to be noted here that the error caused by human factor misunderstandings and lack of background knowledge can be exacerbated by the fact that assumptions are sometimes used in the making of the models. Assumptions on the models may not mirror the actual HCI need (Soegaard & Dam, 2012). There could be mismatches between the system workflow in design and the end workflow. Only rich interaction with the users during system design could help handle these errors, but it is to be noted that even with such strong vigilance, it could be impossible to completely eliminate human errors.


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