




This movie was released in 1999. Chuck Palahniuk novel is the source of inspiration for this movie. Main plot of this storyline is that Edward Norton develops an alternate persona in his mind. His dissociation makes him create a personality named Tyler. Tyler is bold and also adventurous. Tyler pursues the women that the main protagonists like in the story line. Eventually after a certain period of time, Tyler character disappears from the mind of the protagonist. This leads the protagonist to understand eventually that Tyler is his alternate persona (Browning 113). Director makes the character of Tyler as a surreal character. Main protagonist is a shy individual who has a lot of inhibitions and apprehensions. He has no real father figure in his life. Owing to this reason he bonds with Tyler (Browning 114). Tyler in some ways acts as a stronger father figure who is influential. The main narrator tries to act morally against Tyler views.
Tyler’s views are considered to be very radical and hence after a certain point the narrator develops hatred against that Tyler for his actions. He tries to act morally and save people’s life from Tyler. Due to this aspect there is individual resilience that is developed by the main character. This character makes audience sympathize with him and also feel his pain. There are a lot of elements that make this movie unique. Tyler and narrator bond over greed and selfishness of society. They feel that the people are all selfish and there is corporate greed that is destroying the society. Since this discussion is actually between Tyler and his own mind, it can be understood towards the end how the protagonist blames the society for being selfish. He even blames the society for his individual problems. This is clearly explained in the story line.