

Problems in integrations: There is a great overhead of integrating the various departments with the sales force system. Also there is a huge problem in integrating the system with the existing sales system as it requires migration and other aspects.
• Interface Problem: There is highly simple and interactive interface which is not liked by the people who are working with system from a long time.

• Working Problems: The software of sales force requires many reloading of pages and the scrolling of the web pages as the web page contains much information and it requires a great effort from the people which looks overhead for them.

• Problems in Customization: People working on the sales force system requires to use the customization tool kit which is an overhead in terms of understanding it. Therefore it is a problem to the company.
• Database Reliability: As all data is available at a central place and the whole data is maintained at some database. If the server is being crashed or there is some issue, then there is overhead on the company. Also the security of data is highly required as the company’s data is available at one place.



