




“From a feminist point of view, the problem with the category woman is not so much that there is one. The problem lies in its specific construction within patriarchal society. Women have been constructed as the other and the deficient in relation to man” (Calhoun 324). It could be said that the definition of women is constructed within a narrow sense, relative to the main. While it is inevitable that gender differences will be a starting point towards understanding gender oppressions, it should be taken as a starting point according to Tickner (Tickner 13). This essay is a critical review of Delph-Janiurek’s “Sounding Gender(ed): Vocal Performances in English University Teaching Spaces”, Kabeer’s “The Structure of Revealed Preference: Race, Community and Female Labour Supply in the London Clothing Industry” and Calhoun’s “Separating Lesbian Theory from Feminist Theory”.

In critically reviewing the work, it was identified that several factors could be contributing to woman’s conditioned responses to oppression. The factors are culture, social norms, or even stereotypes that women seem to adhere to at times. The response to stereotypes, social and cultural factors by the women shows that they are still conditioned to work with or against these factors. The essay does not aim to assess the negative or positive constructions here. However, it merely tries to show how a relative viewpoint is what women seem to be battling till now.