





The message use to largely go out through television ads, print ads and in-person campaigning. In the past, candidates got their messages delivered through TV ads, which were expensive. Not only did candidates have to pay ad agencies to produce a campaign ad, they also had to shell out more to get the ad on TV (Jue et.al. 2010). Although still, ads are being run on Cable TV, they are also increasingly being put up on websites like YouTube and Vimeo as well as the personal sites of candidates. This has acted as a great money saver. Online ads are not as expensive as TV ads and can also be made quicker.


Political candidates are growing their social media visibility, which enables them to display their message on a regular basis without having to rely upon traditional print or broadcast media. With Twitter, campaigns can send out stream of messages to supporters, debate on a hot issue and also take quick pot shots at rival candidates. Facebook is another convenient platform for politicos to present their issues, ask for donations and to communicate with supporters. Facebook and Twitter are also increasingly being incorporated into presidential debates with questions for candidates coming directly from Twitter and Facebook (Johnson, 2005).