28 1 月, 2018




为了分析宏观环境因素,将使用PESTEL分析,分析这些宏观环境因素对阿里巴巴的影响,并帮助阿里巴巴应对商业环境中存在的威胁和机遇(阿里巴巴集团, 2015年)。为了分析微观环境因素,分析了阿里巴巴微环境的六个因素。阿里巴巴业绩良好,正在有效利用现有资源,在国际上成功运作。以扩大经营面积为动力,为广大客户服务,有效利用微观和宏观环境因素。 2015年,阿里健康开展网上B2C&O2O运营平台,推出国际贸易口号“全球贸易起步点”。


Alibaba is a public company of China which is offering products or services including E-commerce, online auctions, mobile commerce, online shopping and online transfer of money. There are various factors present in the environment of Alibaba which can affect the performance of Alibaba as well as its effectiveness in the execution of the operations of the organisation (Chapman, 2014).Business environment in which the organisation exists is the sum total of the macro environment factors which can be explained as the factors affecting the economy at a large level and micro environment factors which can be explained as the factors creating direct impact over the business and its operations. For the analysis of the environment in which Alibaba’s existing strategic tools will be used.

For analysing the macro environment factors PESTEL analysis will be used which helps in the analysis of the impact of these macro environment factors over Alibaba and helps in strengths and weaknesses of Alibaba in dealing with the threats and opportunities present in the business environment (Alibaba group, 2015). For the analysis of the micro environment factors six factors of the micro environment of Alibaba will be analysed. Alibaba is performing well and is using the resources available with it in an effective manner so as to operate in a successful manner on international level. It is expanding its area of operation with a motive to serve the large number of customers and using the factors of micro and macro environment factors in an effective manner. It has used a slogan “Global trade starts here” for promoting international trade (Alibaba health to develop online B2C & O2O operations platform for pharmacies, 2015).

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