

Hotel industry and its functioning

a) Bargaining power of suppliers: This wholly depends on the net investment of the owner in terms of obtaining raw materials, and recruiting employees and how well the expenditure can be alleviated to increase profits. The standard of these market inputs into a business would determine its superiority with its present competitors as well.

The aforementioned analysis had replaced a popular trend of SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats analysis), which was proving to be an ad hoc analysis in many respects (Nickson, 2007). This provides a more concentrated and specific scrutiny of a venture’s position in the market or what it should do to prevent any incumbent rivalry. Ninja New York had to keep all the check points in its careful control to avoid being relegated in the arena of healthy opposition. It still continues to be a preferred restaurant for many. Although jumping and scampering ninjas often scare the wits out of new customers, the friendly servers-cum-ninjas hit it off with them very well by the end of the meal!



