





The advent of mercantilism started during the transition to modern times of the 16th and the 18th century where European overseas expansion gave rise to the economic policies of mercantilism and the growth of commerce. The earlier times regarded mercantilism important as it dealt with the possession of precious goods like gold and silver to be a sign of prosperity, strength, and prestige for a nation. The fundamental belief here was about amassing and accumulating a lot of wealth in the form of gold through massive exports and earning foreign currency through gold and silver (Sundholm, 1985). At the same time, this belief had a negative standpoint on the import trade as it believed that imports can hurt the economy and the country may have to let go of its gold possession that will flow out of the country for exchanging a product coming inside.

This belief then introduced high tariffs for imported goods that came in from different countries which discouraged the importers in anticipation that they will stop importing and seek opportunity in exporting. This indicates the low tariff on imported raw materials that came from other countries, and the high tariff on imported finished and manufactured goods that are ready for use as it comes. In the current economic language, the mercantilist government of UK adopted an approach of trade surplus and not trade deficit. Mercantilists believed in promoting home grown industries which can reduce the necessity of importing any goods. This basically mean to be seriously focussed on the home economy and not to look after any external support either in the form of debt, or finished goods, or any specialised items.