25 2 月, 2013



Those things were never lost, I say. Those things were always here. Those things are still here today. By golly, I think you are right, says Coyote. Does not be thinking, I says. This world has enough problems already without a bunch of Coyote thoughts with tails and scraggy fur running around bumping into each other. Boy, that’s the truth.
“Some of Coyote’s stories have got Coyote tails and some of Coyote’s stories are covered with scraggy Coyote fur but all of Coyote’s stories are bent.”
“I read it in a book.”
“Here is what really happened.”
“So, after a while, those Indians find better things to do. Some of them go fishing. Some of them go shopping. Some of them go to a movie. Some of them go on a vacation.”
“Yes, say those Columbus people, where is the gold? Yes, they says, where is that silk cloth?”
“Say, says Christopher Columbus. Maybe we could sell Indians.”
“So you have to be careful what you think. So, that’s the end of the story. Boy, says Coyote. That is one sad story.”
“Yes, I say. It’s sad alright. And things don’t get any better, I can tell you that.”



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