13 5 月, 2022



领导者将能够更清楚地解释为什么组织必须接受快速变化。在某些情况下,变化会发生,因为领导者甚至创造了紧迫感(Kotter & Cohen, 2002)。该组织将警觉到他们正在经历的事情,并将动员起来进行改变。“紧迫性很重要,因为没有受影响的利益相关者的合作,就不可能发生有意义的组织变革”(Tanner, 2018,第7段)。因此,紧迫感成为组织领导者或变革主体最基本的工作步骤。当紧急和变化过程成功地开始时,领导者必须检查过程是否持续,也就是说,在最终目标实现之前,是否保持紧迫感。领导者必须专注于加强和维持活动,以保持加速。



在持续加速变革的背景下,领导者的角色是至关重要的。首先,领导者必须确保每个不在董事会的人都必须从变更管理框架中移除。由于变革管理实现了短期的胜利,大多数员工、中层管理者以及更多的人应该更加积极地理解变革的意义和前进的必要性。然而,如果领导者发现一些人仍然在提供抵抗,那么是时候让他们自愿离开变更管理团队框架了。其次,作为领导者,我将引入强化和协作活动,以确定员工如何适应他们的变更管理角色,以及他们如何识别微小的胜利和损失。Leonard Schaeffer在案例研究《人们创造一波又一波的变化》中讨论了如何可能更新紧迫感(Schaeffer, 2002,第142页)。因此,引入这样的交互将有助于保持紧迫感,并持续加速变化。

Leaders would be able to explain more clearly why the organization has to embrace the speedy changes. In some cases, the change would be happening as the leader is even creating the sense of urgency (Kotter & Cohen, 2002). The organization would be alerted to what they are undergoing and would be mobilized for the change. “Urgency is important because meaningful organizational change cannot occur without the cooperation of the affected stakeholders” (Tanner, 2018, para.7). Hence urgency becomes the most basic step for the organizational leader or change agent to work on. While urgency and change processes begin successfully, the leader has to check if the process is sustained, meaning if the sense of urgency is maintained till the end goal is achieved. The leader has to focus on reinforcement and sustainment activities in order to keep up the acceleration.

In creating the sense of urgency, it is expected that the leader helps others prepare for the change by being an actor of changing themselves. The leader in creating the sense of urgency will help others seize opportunities. 2) Sustaining acceleration could be a difficult aspect to implement. Once the change process has been started and it is progressing successfully and crossing its first milestones and sub-goals, there can be chances that the change process could slow down. After the initial success, it is necessary to press harder in order to maintain the success of change. It is not enough to achieve some objectives and lose track of the main goals. However, in reality, this is reported in some change management process where organizations wind up with the change management because they get a few initial success or the process extends to a very longer time than they anticipated. In this work, a discussion of these two change management processes that were difficult to implement is discussed along with recommendations of what a leader should do to achieve them successfully.

In sustaining change, the leaders within my organization reported two issues. Mainly they had some barriers to change in the form of middle level managers who were quite negative about the whole thing. While the managers were not on board completely, they did not oppose the change as well. This was draining acceleration from the beginning and after the short-term wins and losses, the drain on acceleration was felt more heavily. The second difficulty was the loss of focus on some of the strategic workforce. They were becoming more comfortable in their assigned change management style of working that they were really not doing anything more. The established sense of urgency was going down at this point.

The role of the leader in the context of sustaining acceleration during change is a vital one. Firstly, the leader must ensure that everybody not on board must be removed from the change management framework. As short-term wins are realized in change management, most of the employees, mid-level managers and more should have understood the significance of the change and the necessity to move forward more enthusiastically. However, if the leader finds that some people are still offering resistance, then this is the time to let them go from the change management team framework out of their volition. Secondly, as a leader, I would introduce reinforcement and collaborative activities to identify how the workforce was comfortable in their change management roles and how they identified with the mini wins and losses. Leonard Schaeffer in the case study People Make Wave after Wave of Changes discusses about how it was possible to renew the sense of urgency (Schaeffer, 2002, p.142). Therefore, introducing such interactions would help keep up the sense of urgency and sustain acceleration in change.


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