15 10 月, 2021



自1979年以来,中国启动了各种各样的经济改革。中央政府考虑启动所有权和价格激励,以使他们的作物能够在自由市场平台上销售。进一步,政府在沿海地区建立了四个经济特区,以吸引国际投资,促进出口,并进口中国的高技术产品。额外的改革旨在分散各个部门的经济决策,特别是贸易(Blanchard and Giavazzi, 2016)。一些企业在经济上由地方和省级政府控制,允许其在自由市场的原则下经营和竞争,而不是指导和指导国家计划。另外还指定了一些沿海城市和地区作为开发区和开放城市,以试验自由市场的改革,并为吸引外国投资提供贸易和税收方面的奖励。此外,国家王子对一些产品的控制逐渐消失(Bloom, Draca,和Reenen, 2016)。


由于基于投资和出口的增长模型对工业经济成熟度的不相称的可靠性,中国已经经历了重大转型(Dai, Maitra, and Yu, 2016)。在这种经济模式下,国内消费在总需求中所占比例更高。这反映出其他国家过去增长缓慢。与此同时,中国银行业出现了一种极其令人担忧的局面。选择扩大银行信贷作为支撑增长的战略,已导致债务与gdp之比提高250% (Hsieh and Ossa, 2016)。房地产价值的人为膨胀、企业业绩的疲软和贷款监管的宽松,说明中国的银行受到大量没有任何业绩的贷款的影响。在国家资本外流的情况下,中国当局在对市场因素做出反应的同时,允许人民币汇率比以往有所上升。这似乎有助于推动人民币加入特别提款权(SDR)货币篮子,但中国的政策制定者一直在努力缩小这条道路。这对于支持疲软货币的增长和利用储备防止更大的贬值是至关重要的(Kaya, 2014)。

China has launched various economic reforms since the year 1979. The central government considered the initiation of ownership and price incentives for enabling the sale of their crops across the free market platform. Further ahead, the government developed four SEZs across the coastal region to attract international investment, boost exports, and import products of high technology in China. Extra reforms sorted for decentralizing the policy-making of economy in various sectors, specifically trade (Blanchard and Giavazzi, 2016). Several enterprises were economically controlled by local and provincial government which allowed its operation and competition across the principles of free market instead of directing and guiding state plans. There was designation of additional coastal cities and regions as development zones and open cities for experimenting with the reforms of free market and offering incentives of trade and tax for the attraction of foreign investment. In addition, there is gradual elimination of state prince controls over a number of products (Bloom, Draca, and Reenen, 2016).

Since the economic reforms were introduced, there was substantially fast growth in the economy of China during the pre-period of reform. In the year 2006, China had been consistently revising its data of GDP for the period 1993 to 2004. The indication of these revisions were set as per new growth estimates across the service industry, growth of GDP, and the size of overall economy which were considerably high in comparison with previous estimations. As a significant example, real growth of GDP in the year 2004 had been measured originally at 9.5 per cent, but as per the modified figures, it was 10.1 per cent.

China has undergone significant transformation due to disproportionate reliability on the growth model based on investment and export for the maturity of industrial economy (Dai, Maitra, and Yu, 2016). Under this economy, domestic consumption is representing a bigger level of aggregate demand. This had reflected slow growth for other nations in the past. This slowdown in growth is collaborated with an extremely worrisome scenario in the banking sector of China. The option to extend bank credit as a strategy of propping up growth has lead towards increasing the debt-to-GDP ratio by 250 per cent (Hsieh and Ossa, 2016). Artificial inflation of property values, weak performance of company, and loose regulation of lending depict that the banks of China are affected by massive values of loans without any performance. With the flow-out of national capital, authorities of China permitted the exchange rate of RMB for moving ahead than the past while responding to the market factors. This appears instrumental to pursue entering RMB in the basket of SDR, but policymakers of China consistently put in efforts for narrowing this path. This is crucial to allow bolstering growth of weakened currency and utilizing reserves for the prevention of larger depreciation (Kaya, 2014).


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