29 8 月, 2019



In the current times, there is greater dental implant use and a tendency for the people to misjudge their long-term prognosis. In this paradigm, the practitioner must remove the tooth prematurely and ensure that the potential implant site is not damaged. Many of the studies indicate that the periodontal treated disease will have long term retention rate (2).
There is no single clinical parameter that can predict a periodontal disease activity and look for ways to ensure that there is long-term tooth preservation. A combination of the factors and parameters are considered and it needs to be comprehended to predict the therapeutic outcomes. The judgment is thus based on a case- to-case basis.
The purpose of this analysis is to understand the nuances of the periodontal disease and finding ways for the patients to incorporate dental implants in those conditions.
Research Design

In the particular research, secondary methodology has been used. It is eluded that there is collation of the facts from different sources. The innate limitation of the secondary research is that it does not address the specific issues that the researcher wants to probe.
For this research purpose, published peer reviewed articles were used for the collation of the data. In this design, for the basic definition of the terms and analysis of the information, the data was used from earlier times.
For the collation of the data information that was collected from two databases. It was Pubmed and Medline database. The medical subject headings (MeSH) terms were periodontal regeneration, end osseous dental implants, osseointegration, and periodontal therapy. Added to this, the manual searches were also undertaken to read through the information from the various sources. No restriction was given for the years. However, for the future trends and for the reflections, the data was assimilated from later times from 2015 onwards. Once the data was collated, certain information was excluded. Any individual opinions without backing of scientific facts were omitted. These data was then organized in a sequential manner and presented.
A sequential approach was taken to present the data. These have been detailed in the following section.

Kinds of Periodontal Therapy
Periodontists are usually the people who treat the periodontal diseases. They have received three years of additional years and specialized training in the periodontal treatment. These have implications in both the cases of non-surgical treatments and periodontal plastic surgery procedures. The periodontist is considered to be the experts who replace the missing teeth with different kinds of dental implant procedures (10).
As an inception step, the non-surgical treatments are explained in the following.

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