13 1 月, 2019



韦伯的理论主张交际应该是正式的。随着越来越多的初创公司开业,环境也不再那么正式。老板和员工相互尊重,但不拘泥于形式。这有助于公开交换意见,也有助于创新。在当今快节奏的世界中,时间是无法承受的(Sapru, 2013)。如果一个人遵循官僚主义管理理论,那么所有的流程和批准都应该保持在纸上,这最终会导致大量的文书工作。如果在过去没有时间限制的情况下,这将是一个好主意。


然而在当今世界,客户有如此多的选择,组织不能仅仅为了维持书面工作而推迟决策(Hofstede, 1980)。这可能会让他们付出沉重的代价,并降低他们的客户基础。在当今世界,一丝不苟地遵循这些流程听起来并不友好。韦伯认为,具备良好技术素质的员工应该提升到更高的层次。这在过去的工作中可能是正确的,在有限的维度中定义。


Weber’s theory advocated that the communication should be formal. With more and more startups opening, the environment is no longer formal. The bosses and the employees believe in mutual respect but no formality. This helps in exchanging views openly and helps in innovation as well. Formality kills time which is unaffordable in the current world which is extremely fast paced (Sapru, 2013). If one follows the bureaucratic management theory then all the processes and approvals should be maintained in paper which would eventually result in a lot of paperwork. This would have been a good idea in the past where time was not the constraint.


However in the current world, the customers have so many options that the organizations cannot afford to delay the decision making just to maintain the paper work (Hofstede, 1980). This can cost them heavily and bring a dip in their customer base. Following the processes meticulously does not sound organization friendly in the contemporary world. Weber was of the view that the employees who are well qualified and have sound technical qualification should advance to the next level. This might hold true in the past in the work would be defined in limited dimensions.

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